
NHAD Bylaws

New Hampshire Association of the Deaf
Incorporated 1973

Article 1–Name
Section 1. (1.1)
This organization shall be known as the New Hampshire Association of the Deaf, Inc. (N.H.A.D.), a non-profit 501(c) 3 Corporation in the State of New Hampshire. For the purposes of the By-Laws, it is referred to as the Association.

Article 2–Purpose
Section 1. (2.1)
The purpose of Association is to safeguard, maintain and advance the civic, cultural, economic, education and social welfare of people who are deaf and hard of hearing residing in the State of New Hampshire.

Section 2. (2.2)
The board members shall conduct two events per year with the purpose of providing outreach to the public and community about NHAD and its mission.


Article 3–Membership
Section 1.(3.1)
Any individual who supports the purpose and goals of the Association may become a member of the Association.

Section 2. (3.2)
The membership is classified into four types of members: General (including Youth and Seniors), Organizational, Lifetime, and Honorary.

Section 3. (3.3)
General (including Youth and Seniors) membership: those who pay full Association membership dues and are in good standing shall enjoy full rights and privileges of membership, including the right to (a) make a motion at meetings; (b) to have voice and debating rights; (c) to vote at meetings; (d) to serve on the board of Directors as a Board Member-at-large; and (e) to hold any office with one sole exception: those who do not reside permanently in the State of New Hampshire may not serve on the Board of Directors or hold office in the Association. NHAD shall not discriminate against any individual for the reason of race, religion, gender, sexual preference, disability, hearing status or by any other means that shall be determined as discriminatory.

Section 4. (3.4)
Organizational membership: any other organization of and for the deaf and hard of hearing may affiliate with the Association. It shall have the right to send a representative to the Board of Directors, but shall not have any voting privileges. Such organizations pay no dues.

Section 5. (3.5)
Lifetime Membership: A lifetime membership may be bestowed upon a deserving individual; who has been a long time member of NHAD and/or has worked for many years at contributing to the benefit of the New Hampshire Deaf Community; The State Conference Committee Chairperson shall be responsible to ensure work is in progress. He or she shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of a general member with the exception of holding office in the Association. No dues shall be required of persons holding lifetime memberships. Any NHAD member who has served on the Board of Directors for at least ten (10) years or have completed five (5) terms of office shall be automatically instated as a lifetime member of NHAD.

Section 6. (3.6)
Membership dues shall be determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership in attendance at the biennial state conference, upon recommendation by the Board of Directors.

Section 7. (3.7)
Senior members of the age of sixty-two (62) years and older shall pay one-half (1/2) of the membership dues. Youth membership shall be granted to Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing youth at no charge until high school graduation. They will have no rights or privileges. When a youth committee has been established, the board shall decide rights and privileges for youth members in that committee, which will be run entirely by the youth.

Section 8. (3.8)
The dues paid by members are effective for one full year from January 1st to December 31st.

Section 9. (3.9)
Honorary membership: An honorary Membership may be bestowed upon a deserving individual or organization which has worked in support of the NH Deaf Community and NHAD for the benefit of all Deaf people in New Hampshire. Honorary memberships shall be bestowed with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership at the State Conference. Honorary members shall receive recognition plaques from NHAD and have their names placed in the NHAD active membership address list. Dues shall not be required of persons holding honorary memberships.

Article 4–Proxy Voting
Section 1. (4.1)
An active member of the Association may assign proxy voting privileges to another active member. This proxy must be signed and dated by the active member giving his or her vote and must name the person to whom the proxy vote has been given.

Section 2. (4.2)
Proxies may not be used to vote for amendments to the By-Laws.

Article 5–Executive Officers
Section 1.  (5.1)
The general management of the Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors which comprises of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and Board Members-at-Large. They shall have the authority to carry out the by-laws of the Association and perform duties as are reasonably and lawfully necessary to meet the objectives of the Association.

Section 2. (5.2)
The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be elected by ballot at the biennial state conference to serve a two (2) year term which begins immediately following the conference. Three (3) Members-at-Large shall be voted into office at the biennial State Conference, and two (2) Members-at-Large shall be appointed to the Board of Directors by the President, with the approval of the other members of the Board, at the first Board meeting following the State Conference. Members-at-Large also serve a two (2) year term.

Section 3. (5.3)
Board Members-at-Large shall total three (3), unless membership exceeds one hundred (100) at which time the number shall be increased by two (2) to a total of five (5) Board Members-at-Large.

Section 4. (5.4)
The former President holding office prior to the current President shall serve as Past President. The Past President shall serve until the election of a new President, at which time the outgoing President shall become the Past President.

Section 5. (5.5)
All candidates for the Board of Directors must, prior to his/her nomination, be or become a member upon election and be a current resident of the State of New Hampshire with approval of the board of directors.

Section 6. (5.6)
The candidate for the offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary must be deaf and must be able to communicate in American Sign Language.

Section 7. (5.7)
Before an election of the executive officers, all candidates may give speeches, explaining their views and what they intend to do when and if elected. Each office shall be filled in, one-by-one, by a majority vote cast by secret ballot.

Section 8.  (5.8)
No person shall hold more than one (1) office in the Board of Directors.

Section 9. (5.9)
The new officers of the Board of Directors and the new Past President shall be sworn in by the outgoing President or the outgoing Past President in an installation ceremony to be held following the elections.

Section 10. (5.10)
The oath to be administered to all new officers shall be as follows:

“I accept the responsibilities of my new office and I promise to follow the By-Laws of the New Hampshire Association of the Deaf and fulfill the duties of my office to the best of my abilities, so help me God.”

Section 11. (5.11)
When a vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, the President shall appoint, with the approval of the Past President and the members of the Board of Directors, an active member to fill in the vacancy for the remainder of the term.  When a member of the board wishes to resign, they shall have thirty calendar days to resign (excepting serious illness or injury).

Section 12. (5.12)
When the office of President is vacant through his/her resignation or for any other reason, the Vice-President shall become President. If the Vice-President does not wish to become President, he/she then becomes acting President until a special election is held to fill the vacancy of the President for the remainder of the term.

Section 13. (5.13)
Process of impeachment. Process of impeachment consists of 1. Talk with that person, 2. Consult with the past president to try resolving issues with that person. 3. Have a private meeting amongst board to discuss concerns (not a board meeting.) 4. Bring up concerns at a regular board meeting or special emergency board meeting and give one warning with an improvement in 2 months.  If no improvement, then ask to resign. If no resignation, then impeach.  Save all documents.

Any executive officer who moves out of the State of New Hampshire during their term of office shall be required to resign from the Board of Directors.

Section 14. (5.14)
The duties of the President of the Association shall be as follows:
(a) Preside at meetings of the Board of Directors as its chairperson;
(b) To see that order and quorum are maintained;
(c) To see that all officers in the Board of Directors and committee chairperson’s responsibilities are understood and carried out;
(d) To countersign all monies issued by the Treasurer for all amounts over $200.00;
(e) Develop business agendas for board meetings and general meetings;
(f) Shall be ex-officio member of all committees of the Association;
(g) Shall cast the final and deciding vote in all matters except elections;
(h) Shall see that all the by-laws of the Association are carried out.


Section 15. (5.15)
The duties of the Vice-President of the Association shall be as follows:

(a) Assist the President, and in the absence of the President, carry out the duties of that office;
(b) Preside at the meetings in the absence of the president;
(c) Perform specific assignments as requested by the President.
(d) Chair the By-Laws committee

Section 16. (5.16)
The duties of the Secretary of the Association shall be as follows:
(a) Record the minutes of all business at general meetings, Board meetings and state conferences;
(b) Assist the President in preparing agendas for meetings;
(c) Be custodian of all books and papers pertaining to this office.
(d) Receive and file all records and communications;
(e) Handle correspondence for the executive officers;
(f) Be custodian of all correspondence and records pertaining to this office.

Section 17. (5.17)
The duty of the Corresponding Secretary is merged into Secretary’s position.

Section 18. (5.18)
The duties of the Treasurer of the Association shall be as follows:
(a) Receive all money due the Association;
(b) Handle all finances for the Association;
(c) Present Association financial records to the Trustees every six (6) months and as required by the Board of Directors;
(d) Supervise all special funds established by the Board of Directors.
(e) The Treasurer is to produce quarterly reports to the President.
(f) The Treasurer is to produce annual reports to the President no later than one month following the end of the fiscal year.

Section 19. (5.19)
The duties of the Board Members-at-Large of the Association shall be as follows:
(a) Carry out the Association’s mandates as directed by the Board of Directors;
(b) Promote the interests of the Association in every way possible;
(c) Assist all standing and interim committees appointed by the President.
(d) one member-at-large shall coordinate the social media committee, which includes maintaining all currently established social platform accounts, the Sign Post newsletter, maintaining the organization’s website, and post content and updates on behalf of the Board of Directors;
(e) one member-at-large shall coordinate membership rolls, recruit members, and maintain membership records;
(f) one member-at-large shall be the coordinator of the Social Affairs Committee and shall present possible event scenarios to the Board of Directors for approval.

Section 20. (5.20)
The duties and restrictions of the Past President of the Association shall be as follows:

(a) Administer oaths to executive officers;
(b) Advise the executive officers as requested;
(c) Shall not intervene in the Board meetings except for advice as requested by the President, and shall not vote at the Board meetings.
(d) Assist with the President with selecting and purchasing Conference Awards.

Section 21. (5.21)
When new board members have been elected for a new term, all presiding members must complete, and sign off where applicable, all ongoing paperwork before passing their duties to the new board members.

Article 6–Trustees

Section 1. (6.1)
There shall be a committee of three (3) Trustees who shall audit all the financial affairs of the Association.

Section 2. (6.2)
Trustees shall be elected by secret ballot at state conferences to serve six (6) year terms which are staggered every two (2) years.

Section 3. (6.3)
All trustees shall have been active members of the Association for at least two (2) years and be knowledgeable in financial matters prior to being elected.

Section 4. (6.4)
The Trustee having the highest seniority in length of service in that capacity shall be chairman of the Trustee Committee.

Section 5. (6.5)
At least one Trustee shall be present at all Board meetings, without voting privileges.

Section 6. (6.6)
If a vacancy occurs in the Trustee Committee, any person having at least two (2) years active membership in the Association may be nominated by the Board of Directors and elected by the membership by secret ballot at a general membership meeting.

Article 7–Board of Directors

Section 1. (7.1)
The Board of Directors shall meet at least four (4) times a year on a quarterly basis.

Section 2. (7.2)
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President, or as called for by at least four (4) Board Members.

Section 3. (7.3)
A quorum shall be present before a Board meeting can be held. A majority of Board Members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4. (7.4)
The Board of Directors may call a general meeting at any time to ratify appointments and decisions made by the Board, and to conduct any other business of the Association. Any action made by the Board is considered to be ratified after being submitted to the Board and voted on by the Board.

Article 8–Standing Committees
Section 1. (8.1)
The Board of Directors may set up and create committees and appoint active members to serve as chairperson such committees. The Board may also appoint any active members to represent the Association, and/or serve, in any civic, cultural, economic, educational, social and legislative organizations.

Section 2. (8.2)
The Trustee Committee is profiled in Article 6 of the By-Laws of the Association.

Section 3. (8.3)
The Legislative Committee shall monitor state legislation and regulatory action concerning deaf individuals, and shall coordinate information gathering and dissemination, presentations, and testimony as needed.

Section 4. (8.4)
The Jr NAD committee shall work from 2024 on through the state conference of 2025 to establish the: NH Jr NAD or youth committee (appropriately named as advised by NAD); guidelines for the NH Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing youth aged fourteen to twenty-six; and determine the rights and privileges for the youth members.  At the outcome of the 2025 state conference, the committee shall dissolve (unless preserved by a two-third vote) and replaced by the youth group and this section replaced with new bylaws.

Section 5.  (8.5)
The By-Laws Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all proposed amendments to the By-Laws and recommending such amendments to the Board of Directors for review prior to vote by the general membership.

Section 6. (8.6)
The Social Affairs Committee shall make all arrangements for social and cultural events, fund-raising events, picnics, etc.

Section 7. (8.7)
Members of the Ways and Means Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, and shall have prior knowledge in the areas of budgeting and planning.

Section 9. (8.8)
All committees shall be under the auspices of the Board of Directors.  All requests for fund-raising and expenditures shall be proposed to the Board of Directors for approval prior to making final arrangements. NHAD will pay for delegates’ conferences/trainings’ airfare, food, and hotel the maximum amount as needed pending the decision by the board of directors.

Article 9–Meetings
Section 1. (9.1)
General membership meetings shall be held once (1) a year, at least three weeks after a quarterly Board Meeting. The time and place of the meetings shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. (9.2)
The President shall issue an official call to a general membership meeting at least one (1) month in advance.

Section 3. (9.3)
Special membership meetings may be called by the President, or by the Board of Directors, or shall be called upon by written request by at least ten (10) percent of the membership. The purpose of the special meeting shall be stated in the notice. Except for emergency situations, at least one week’s notice shall be given to the general membership. The town hall will take place every two years alternating the State Conference.

Section 4. (9.4)
A quorum shall be present before any membership meeting can be held. Ten (10) active members shall constitute a quorum.

Article 10–State Conference
Section 1. (10.1)
The Association shall hold a biennial State Conference during odd numbered years before December 1. The State Conference Committee Chairman shall make final arrangements at least one year prior to the state conference with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. (10.2)
The Chairman of the State Conference Committee shall be chaired by the Vice-President.

Article 11–Amendments
Section 1. (11.1)
Amendments to the By-Laws shall be proposed by the By-Laws Committee to the Board of Directors not less than two (2) months before a vote by the general membership by secret ballot.

Section 2. (11.2)
Amendments to the By-Laws shall be adopted by a two-third (2/3) vote of the voting membership in attendance, provided a quorum is present.

Article 12–Parliamentary Authority
Section 1. (12.1)
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.

Article 13–Dissolution
Section 1. (13.1)
The Association may be dissolved only by a three-fourth (3/4) majority of the active members voting at the state conference.

Section 2. (13.2)
Upon dissolution of the Association, remaining assets after payment of all liabilities shall be distributed as specified in the Articles of Incorporation, unless amended in whole or part thereof.

New Hampshire Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Revised: May 20, 1995; November 1, 2013

Amended: May 24, 1997; September 11, 1999; September 22, 2001; September 19, 2009; October 1, 2011; November 1, 2013; December 1, 2015; October 5, 2019; February 7, 2021; January 13, 2024

Download the bylaws.